First Prayer before the Peace. |
Give to us, O Lord, charity and concord and perfect tranquillity, in this time (now), and all the days of our life, and we shall/will return to you glory and praise. |
People. |
Amen |
Deacon. |
Give the peace. |
People. |
Grant to us, etc. |
Priest. |
And bless all with your blessings that cannot be lost; and bless us now worthy to do your will, and of your only-begotten Son, and your Spirit, (who are) living, and holy. |
People. |
Amen. |
Priest. |
And every impure thought from us dispel, through this sacrifice which we offer to you O Lord: through it sanctify our bodies, enlighten our souls, and we shall/will return to you praise, and thanksgiving. |
People. |
Amen. |
Deacon. |
Give the peace. |
Priest. |
Charity, etc. |
People. |
Amen. |
Priest. |
Lift up (your) hearts. |
People. |
We have to the Lord. |
Priest. |
Let us give thanks to the Lord. |
People. |
It is right and just. |
Priest inclined. |
It is right and just, that we praise and give thanks to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. |
Raising the voice. |
And with the thousands of thousands, and ten-thousands of ten-thousands of ardent-ones who stand in your presence, and celebrate you without end, it is worthy that we might praise you with raised voice(s), crying aloud, and saying. |
People. |
Holy. ... |
Priest inclined. |
Holy Father, begetter, and not begotten, holy Son, begotten, and not begetter, holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father, and receives from the Son; one true God who saved us by his grace and mercy. |
Raising the voice. |
Who when he had been prepared for the saving passion, took bread which he also + blest + sanctified + broke, and called it his holy body, for eternal life to those who would receive it. |
People. |
Amen. |
Priest. |
And he blessed the chalice which he had mixed with wine and water, and effected his precious blood, for eternal life to those who receive it. |
People. |
Amen. |
Priest. |
And when he had handed these things over to the holy disciples, he taught them saying: thus shall you do in memory of me, until I come. |
People. |
[We celebrate the memory, O Lord,] of your death. |
Priest. |
Your Church, O Lord, also celebrates the memory of your universal dispensation of salvation, and of your fruitful coming full of terror, during which it shall be repaid/returned to each one according to what he has done, on account of which your penitent flock entreats you, and through you, and with you (entreats) your Father saying, |
People. |
Have mercy. |
Priest. |
We also... [, O Lord, give thanks to you and praise you for all things and by reason of all things.] |
People. |
We praise you. |
Priest. |
Principally/particularly. |
Deacon. |
Remember. And. How much this hour must be feared. |
Invocation of the Holy Spirit. |
Priest inclined. |
Have mercy on me, O Lord, and send the Holy Spirit over these offerings set forth, who effects all the sacraments of the Church by his coming.. |
People. |
Kyrie eleison. |
Priest. |
And this bread (of yours), may he make the body of [Christ] our God. |
People. |
Amen. |
Priest. |
And the mixture which is in this chalice, may he change into the blood of Christ our God. |
People. |
Amen. |
Priest. |
So that they may be to all receiving them for the remission of their crimes/sins, and through them they may be made heirs to life eternal, and we shall return glory to you. |
People. |
Amen. |
Priest inclined. |
We offer this sacrifice to you O Lord for your holy Church wherever (it is) spread, and for your faithful people, and the priestly Clergy. |
(Raising the voice.) |
And grant to your holy Church, tranquillity, and peace, and to her patrons/protectors a good and honourable old age: and set in her Pastors who may rightly dispense the word of truth, and we shall render to you etc. |
(Priest inclined). |
Be mindful of all O Lord, have mercy and help all who invoke you, and flee to you (for refuge) with true faith. |
(Raising the voice.) |
And show your help also to all who struggle/contend with need/poverty and anguish/wants. Protect those, O Lord, against whom the hands of helpers have been shut, and we shall render to you glory. |
(Priest inclined). |
Be mindful of the faithful Kings O Lord, who aid your holy Church and do good for your faithful people. |
(Raising the voice.) |
And remove from us O Lord the spiritual enemy, and his tyranny, and rescue us from the hand of unmerciful princes, and we shall render to you, etc. |
(Priest inclined). |
Be mindful O Lord, of all your Saints and of the mother of your only-begotten Son: save and strengthen us through the prayers of your Saints.. |
(Raising the voice.) |
And under the wings of your Saints protect us and establish us among their ranks: so that with them we may render glory to you. |
(Priest inclined). |
Be mindful O Lord of the true Pastors of your Church, who preached the correct faith to us, and of the chosen Fathers and of the Orthodox Teachers. |
(Raising the voice.) |
Preserve us O Lord in the Orthodox faith, and make us neither erring nor guilty O Lord. |
(Priest inclined). |
Be mindful O Lord of all the faithful dead, who have lain down in your hope, and grant rest through your compassion/mercies, to those who have been redeemed by the blood of your only-begotten Son. |
(Raising the voice.) |
And looking mercifully at them, O Lord, spare their transgressions, and forgive their sins, because the body and blood of your only-begotten Son has been established in their members/bodies: through which we also hope to obtain mercy, and the remission of sins which is because of him, both for them and for us. |
People. |
Pardon. |
Priest. |
Make us and them worthy of a christian end, not having remembered our follies and theirs, so that in this as in all things your blessed name, and of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of your Spirit may be praised and celebrated, living, and holy, etc. |
People. |
As [...it was in the beginning...] |
Priest. |
Peace. |
People. |
And with your spirit. |
Priest. |
May the mercies of God the Father... |
Priest. |
We believe... |
Deacon says the Catholica. |
The Priest breaks and marks/signs/seals (the bread). |
Prayer before the Our Father. |
O God receiver of prayers, and accepter of petitions we pray and before you pronounce this Lord’s prayer which your only begotten Son taught us, and with contrite heart we cry out and say: Our Father who is in heaven. |
People. |
Hallowed be etc. |
Priest. |
Free us O Lord God from evil, and from every kind of iniquity; dismiss from us our follies and sins, and to all who have sinned against us in whatever way: be merciful to us and to them O Lord, and we shall render you glory and praise. |
People. |
Amen. |
Priest. |
Peace. |
People. |
And with your spirit. |
Deacon. |
Bow your heads. |
People. |
In your presence O Lord. |
Priest. |
Send forth O Lord your right hand, and pour out your mercies over your people, and over the sheep of your flock, who await, so that it may receive the body and blood of your only-begotten Son: through it sanctify our bodies and souls, and we shall render to you thanks, praise, and thanksgiving. |
People. |
Amen. |
Priest. |
Peace. |
People. |
And with your spirit. |
Priest. |
May the blessings of God... |
People. |
And with your spirit. |
Deacon. |
Everyone... |
Priest. |
Holy things to the holy (people). |
People. |
One holy Father... |
The Priest says the Prayer of thanksgiving. |
We adore, and give thanks for your love towards humans, O Lord. Therefore help and strengthen all, confirm us all in good standing, and excuse and pardon us, because we have rejoiced at this spiritual table, and we shall render thanks, praise, etc. |
People. |
Amen. |
Priest. |
Peace. |
People. |
And with your spirit. |
Deacon. |
Again and again. |
Priest. |
O Christ, you who are the true bread which descended from heaven, and was (became?) for us incorruptible food, guard/protect our bodies and souls from the inextinguishable gehenna and from the immortal worm, and we shall render to you glory, and praise, also to your blessed Father, your holy Spirit also living now. ... |
People. |
Amen. |
Deacon. |
Bless O Lord. |
Priest. |
Bless all. |
Deacon. |
We bless, etc. |